Meet The New Boss...
Today, the House handed Tom Delay his most humilating defeat in a long string of humiliating defeats when it selected John Boehner instead of Delay's hand-picked man, Roy Blunt, (R-Ohio) as the House Majority Leader. Boehner was elected in an attempt to create the impression of a new clean beginning for the House leadership.
Well, not so fast.... It seems Mr. Boehner was on the lobbying Gravey Train:
Public Citizen Report Shows How Lobbyists Use Non-Profits to Exploit Loopholes in Congressional Ethics Rules to Take Lawmakers on Lavish Trips
Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio), who is seeking to be the next House Majority Leader, took two trips costing a total of at least $13,920...
Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio), who is seeking to be the next House Majority Leader, took two trips costing a total of at least $13,920...
The new boss is the same as the old boss, when it comes to ethics.
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